SBDN strives to make easily and widely accessible theses and dissertations on bat-related fields to further our mission of promoting bat education and research. Copyright laws apply where indicated.
All Theses and Dissertations
- McGowan Thesis 2023 – Bat Response To Urban Landscapes
- Roby Dissertation 2019- The Ecology and Behavior of Spring Migrating Indiana Bats
- Scherman Thesis 2019- Fall and Winter Roosting Ecology of Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bats
- Buckley Thesis 2018- Management Implications of Sex-Specific Habitat Use By Nycticeius Humeralis
- Moore Thesis 2016- Home Range and Habitat Use of Foraging Gray Bats
- Schratz Thesis 2016- Presence, Absence, and Roosting Ecology of the Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bat
- Istvanko Thesis 2015- Sex-Specific Foraging Habits And Roost Characteristics of the Evening Bat
- Jordan Thesis 2014- Single-Unit Turbines and Bat Mortality In Arkansas
- Ihlo Thesis 2013 -Predicting the spread of WNS in bats
- Whitby Thesis 2012 – evaluating three acoustic techniques
- Bergeson Thesis 2012 – MYLU and MYSO roosting – HR and surrogate use
- Dodd Dissertation 2010 – Forest disturbance affects insect prey and the activity of bats in deciduous forests
- Sichmeller Thesis 2010 – Energy conservation during torpor in myotis
- Maslonek MS Thesis 2009 – bat use of created and natural wetlands
- Rice – Thesis 2009 – raf and austro roosting
- Corcoran Thesis 2009 – Assessing Stability of mines for bats
- Stevenson Thesis 2008 – Raf bats and MYAU roosts in bottomlands in Mississippi
- Kitchell Thesis 2008- MYSO in swamp in NJ
- Steffen-2007 – Mine characteristics for bats – Thesis
- Dodd Thesis 2006 – Diet and prey abundance of the Ozark big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) in Arkansas
- Miles thesis 2005 – evening bats in GA
- Jeremy L Jackson Masters Thesis 2004 – prescribed burning and bats
- Welch thesis – 2003 – red bats in pine forests
- Carter Dissertation 2003 – Indiana bat roosting
- Britzke dissertation 2003 – use of bat detectors
- McDonnell Thesis 2001 – bridges as roosts
- Carter 1998 Thesis – Foraging Ecology of Three Species of Bats at the Savannah River Site
- Finn, 1997. Bat House Use in Central Florida, With Emphasis on Tadarida brasiliensis cynocephala and Nycticeius humeralis. MS Thesis, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
- MaryKay Clark Thesis 1990 – roosting of raf bats