This conservation strategy emerged from a long-standing perception among scientists, land managers, environmental consultants, and state and federal agency personnel across the southeastern United States that Rafinesque’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) and southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius) were in decline and in need of conservation attention. Disjunct distributions, limited data on population status, an incomplete understanding of the life history requirements, and continued loss of mature bottomland hardwood forests (habitat essential to both species) suggests that future protection and recovery efforts of these two bat species will be difficult. This document is a synthesis of findings from multiple meetings of working groups and technical advisory committees, as well as input from state and federal agencies, private industry, and conservation organizations. Included in the strategy are descriptions of: species biology and natural history, primary threats to species survival, a conservation action plan to address the threats, and listing of principle research needs for these bats based on gaps in our understanding of their biology and essential habitat requirements.
Download the ConservationPlanforCORAandMYAU_2014