Please use the form below to subscribe to the mailing list. Be sure to check your junk folder if you do not receive a google groups invitation to join. If you have problems with the form, or other mailing list questions, please contact the SBDN Secretary at
To be included on our Announcement List you are not required to pay dues. To be added to our list, please fill out the form below. Only completely and properly filled out applications will be accepted. When on the list you will receive all news and announcements via e-mail.
Because sbdn will not respond to “spam challenge” e-mails, remember to add “ on behalf of SBDN Secretary <>” to your spam blocking filters. If you do not receive an invite, please check your junk folder.
If you wish to have an announcement posted to the SBDN mailing list, please send an email exactly as you would like it to appear to the group with a simple note at the top asking us to post it. After review for appropriateness, we will remove your note to us and distribute it to the mailing list. Please send your announcement to the SBDN Secretary at or Tim Carter
Please remember if your e-mail address changes, come back and add yourself to the list again.
Privacy Notice: Your contact information will be used solely by the SBDN for this announcement list and will never be given to anyone or to any group.