2020 SBDN Meeting Summary
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources hosted the 25th annual meeting of the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and the 30th annual colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. The meeting was held at The Classic Center in Athens, Georgia and was attended by more than 240 people.
The meeting included workshops, working group meetings, field trips and a plenary session. The plenary Session looked back on mammal memories and techniques through the ages and then focused on new technology and techniques being used currently in our field. Oral presentations and posters numbered over eighty and were presented by students and professionals cover many different species of mammals and a variety of research.
Thanks to all the sponsors, presenters and attendees who helped make this meeting a big success!
SBDN 2020 Welcome Social Flyer
Georgia Museum Of Natural History Tour Flier 2020
Click Here to Register for the Free Wildlife Acoustics Workshop on Wednesday, Feb. 12th, 2020