2019 SBDN Bat Blitz Summary

During the first week in June bat biologists and enthusiasts from across the Southeast gathered on the Albemarle Pen-
insula in eastern NC for the 2019 SBDN Bat Blitz. North Carolina last hosted the Blitz in 2011 in the northern moun-
tains of western NC. With great facilities and beautiful views, the Eastern 4H Conference Center served as home
base. NCWRCs Wildlife Education Staff kicked off the first night of the Bat Blitz with an educational program for
the public. The program, titled Bats Working the Night Shift informed attendees on bat biology, behavior, conserva-
tion needs, and highlighted local bats during a night hike in which bat echolocation calls were recorded and identified.
Mist netting surveys were conducted during the following three nights and targeted 28 survey sites in 8 counties, in-
cluding sites on game lands, refuges, state parks, and NCSU experimental forest. Organizers and hosts for this years
Bat Blitz were Katherine Etchison (NC Wildlife Resources Commission), Ed Corey (NC Division of Parks and Recre-
ation), Michael Morse (Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge), and Lisa Gatens (NC Museum of Natural Sciences).

A total of 225 bats of 8 species were caught and highlights included the capture of a federally threatened northern long
eared bat and three species of greatest conservation need: southeastern bat (31), Rafinesques bigeared bat (9), and tri
colored bat (3). Attendance included over 50 participants, which consisted of biologists from state and federal agen-
cies, students, professors, and environmental consultants.

Please mark your calendars for the 2019 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network Bat Blitz, to be held June 3rd through 7th at the Eastern 4-H Center in Columbia, NC!  We’ll be surveying dozens of sites on the bat-diverse Albemarle Peninsula, including properties managed by US Fish and Wildlife Service, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, NC State Parks, and others!  Participants may register here.

If you have any questions, please contact the Host Committee:

Lisa Gatens – Lisa.Gatens@naturalsciences.org

Ed Corey – Ed.Corey@ncparks.gov

Katherine Caldwell Etchison – Katherine.Caldwell@ncwildlife.org

Michael Morse – michael_l_morse@fws.gov

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