The 2018 Bat Blitz will be held July 23-27 in Sewanee, TN

2018 SBDN Bat Blitz Participant Guide

Due to the cost of housing and food, all participants must commit to mist-net all 3 nights of the blitz.

Those interested in being team leaders should contact for details.

Blitz participants should be current bat researchers, researchers or managers hoping to gain experience, and students interested in gaining bat sampling experience in the field. Ideal participants are rabies vaccinated and able to assist with netting activities, however all managers/biologists/students/professionals with an interest in gaining bat sampling experience and connecting with regional bat researchers are welcome to join.

This is not a public event. Members of the public are welcome at our free bat blitz education event on Monday July 23nd – More information to come.

Scholarships for students who do not have a grant or cannot afford to pay for the student registration fee. Please email (Subject: BAT BLITZ SCHOLARSHIP) with a statement of:

  1. Current School, Adviser, expected graduation
  2. Very Brief description of project
  3. Why you want to attend the blitz / What you will gain from attending the blitz.
Tentative Schedule

Monday evening (July 23rd) – Social

Tuesday midday (July 24th) – Mandatory Meeting

Tuesday-Thursday evenings – Mist-netting

Friday (July 27th) – Morning Meeting